Leo Janas

Web Developer


Leo on a hike.

I have recently completed the Web Developement program at Bloc. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I am excited to begin a career in web development because:

  • It is an exciting, dynamic field that will always offer me new things to learn and master.
  • I love troubleshooting and problem solving, and I find the logic of coding very fascinating.
  • It offers flexibility and the potential for remote work.

About Me

Before becoming interested in web development, I went to West Virginia University and got a dual B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. I am now pursuing a career in web development to expand my knowledge base and gain more flexibility in my career.

I am now almost finished with Bloc's Web Developer Track. I have learned full-stack development using React, Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL. The course has also taught me about RESTful APIs, the basics of data structures and algorithms, styling with Vanilla CSS, and version control with Git. I also have had some exposure to many other tools and libraries, including testing with Mocha and Chai. I am excited to continue to learn and develop these skills and work with a team of other great programmers.

In my free time, I love hiking, camping, and playing sports. I moved to Utah a few years ago to be closer to great mountains and outdoor recreation. My wife and I play in a beach volleyball league, and also love to meet up with friends to play spike ball, frisbee, kickball, softball, etc.


These are some examples of projects I have built. Follow the links for more information and to see the live webpages.

Kitchen Counter

Client Repository
Server Repository

Kitchen Counter is a full-stack web application that maintains a grocery inventory. It allows the user to save and use recipes, build a meal plan, and generate a shopping list.

I built this app because I often have trouble keeping track of what groceries I have at Home and what I need to buy. I see Kitchen Counter as a way to make shopping easier and avoid checking the cupboards and fridge every time you need to shop.

Stack Used: React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, CSS

Screenshot of Kitchen Counter app

Veggie Time

Client Repository
Server Repository

Veggie Time is an app that helps track and schedule your vegetable garden. Create an account, add vegetables, record and schedule tasks, and see expected sprouting and harvest dates.

I built this app to have a single place to plan and track a vegetable garden.

Stack Used: React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, CSS

Screenshot of Veggie Time app

Find Trails


Find Trails is a front-end client that uses data from The Hiking Project as well as Google Maps to allow the user to search and filter nearby trails.

I built this app because I love hiking, and found that it would be helpful to be able to filter trails based on length and elevation gain to find exactly the type of hike you want on any given day.

Stack Used: HTML, CSS, JS

Screenshot of Find Trails app

Contact Me